浙江世贸君澜大饭店位于杭城金融、商业和文化中心的显著位置,地处西湖宝石山下,黄龙洞旁,坐拥西湖十景之黄龙吐翠、宝石流霞,闹中取静,地理位置十分优越。饭店集五星级酒店、国际会展中心和甲级写字楼于一身,占地4.5公顷,总建筑面积13.2万平方米,拥有各式客房361间(套);设中西餐厅、行政酒廊、大堂茶园和日本料理等各类餐饮场所8处;10个大、中、小型会议场所,设施齐全,功能完备,是浙江省内高规格的政务、商务和对外交流的重要活动场所之一。店内美发沙龙、室内游泳池、室外网球场一应俱全,还有外围15200平方米绿色大草坪,以及8000多平方米大型地下停车场,为宾客休闲商务活动提供更多便利! Zhejiang Narada Grand Hotel Located at the center of financial, business and culture inHangzhou, sits at the foot of the Precious Stone Hill and is beside the Yellow Dragon Cave.Given the two spots of the Ten Scenes of the West Lake, Precious Stone Hill Floating in RosyCloud and Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green, near at hand, the location of the hotel is aperfect place for its quietness in the noisy downtown. The hotel, comprising the five-star hotel.international exhibition center and first-rate office building, covers an area of 4.5 hectaresand its overall floorage is 132,000 m2, in which there are 361 quest rooms, various ChineseWestern restaurants and more than 10 conference rooms of all sizes. There are not onlyhairdressing salon,indoor swimming pooland indoor tennis court, but a large green lawnof 15,200 m'and a large underground parking lot of over 8,000 m2. 房型 Room Type | 单价(元/间/晚) Price per night | 其他 Others | 高级大床房 Superior King Room | 500 CNY | 双份早餐 Double breakfast included | 高级双床房 Superior Twin Room | 600 CNY | 双份早餐 Double breakfast included |
